Ralo (@ ralofamgoon) blammed @Google for misquoting his networth on IG recently. But he got it all wrong because google does not host data of the sort on its servers. The website that misquoted his networth is NetWorthDatabase (http://www.networthdatabase.com/ralo-net-worth/). Aquick checkup on the website reveals that he is only worthy $500K. These rappers should be informed that google does not host such data but indexes links that host such data. In simple terms google does just one thing, crawl the internet for data. Next time he better have the facts right.
Ralo (@ ralofamgoon) blammed @Google for misquoting his networth on IG recently. But he got it all wrong because google does not host data of the sort on its servers. The website that misquoted his networth is NetWorthDatabase (http://www.networthdatabase.com/ralo-net-worth/). Aquick checkup on the website reveals that he is only worthy $500K. These rappers should be informed that google does not host such data but indexes links that host such data. In simple terms google does just one thing, crawl the internet for data. Next time he better have the facts right.
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